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why wearing veil?

Previously  I've written about why I decided to use veil . Well it actually happened in 2005, but I wrote it in 2007, 8 years ago, ouch I feel old! Long story short, nowadays I feel the need to share some thoughts about this matter.

Veil or hijab for moslem women is like a boundary, to cover several parts of our body thus it cannot be exposed to other people, except particular family members (called mahram). This has been regulated in the Qur'an,
Al Ahzab (33) : 53, 59
An-Nuur (24) : 30-31
Al Ahzab (33) : 32-33
An-Nuur (24) : 60
(M. Quraish Shihab on Jilbab seri 01, 2006)

so it is not only a priests consensus (ijma') nor Prophet guidance (hadits). Though the details of hijab have various interpretation.

Let's talk about boundaries. Name one of the creatures that do not have any boundary. Air? We do have vacuum area, if I'm not mistaken.  Do we have adequate oxygen in outer space? So air, or in this case oxygen, do have boundaries.
What about another creatures, the smallest cells, they do have boundaries. Does amoeba do not have any boundary? They do have, otherwise they will not have an abstract shape. Even abstract thing has boundary and rule that shape them.

Can we neglect these rules and boundaries? As we know, abnormal cells growth cause cancer which is considered as illness and harmful.

Are these rules created by human? With all do respect to the science world, human can only discover what is already there. Name all the gigantic and comprehensive creators of all time, challenge them to create the smallest creatures out of nothing. They can only clone and modify, with all do respect (once again) to the science world.

Can we neglect the fact that amoeba should be in flexible shape? Can we send objection to the Creator on why we should inhale oxygen rather than carbon monoxide nor helium so we can fly like balloons? Or why we have these 10 hand fingers rather than only 12 which will make them dozen (and cheaper)?

If we go back to the veil as boundary, who made the rule? Prophet Muhammad? Peace be upon him, the rule is written in the Qur'an, not made by him. The source is the same from The Creator of all creatures, same with the Creator of our fingers, amoeba, and your breathing rules.

Now I humbly asked you, do you get benefit by accepting the 'nature rules' and by not ignoring them nor modifying your fingers to a dozen?
If you say yes to the above question, should we ignore another rule, in this case of wearing veil, though you know that it comes from the same the Creator?

If you say that you're not benefited by the 'nature rules', go ahead breathing helium and I will wave goodbye from the ground.

If you still enjoy these random thoughts, I'll share my short experiences.
In life, we cannot limit our friends but we can choose our closest friends. Thus, self consciousness helps us adapt without neglecting the boundary about what is right and wrong.
Guidance is not just granted, it comes to those who have questions and seek for answers. Some walking slowly to it, some running sprint even marathon.

Veil is what I called a tool for a sustainable guidance. We use a tool that attracts people to be involved and engaged with our searching journey. In marathon, you can see so many spectators alongside the track, they cheers though some might criticise, but run ahead. The sunny side is that we get company.

We cannot limit friends, otherwise we'll have an asymmetric perspective. They might have good or bad influences, veil attracts spectators and commentators to get you back on track. And we go back to the right track not to please them, we just simply feel being reminded.

I personally get more benefits as long as I consistently apply the principle of continuous improvement. I wasn't ready for a giant leap toward wearing a nearly-perfect-veil, I started with 2 sheets of short veils and 1 piece of long shirt. I had a 'friendly' name of frog or ninja (not a serious thing, I also made fun of it). I even was challenged by my family and being accused as a religiously fanatic and brainwashed (not a serious thing, just wrong perception). My starter was far from what should be wore. No worry, just start small, from there we can gradually improve it and shall not stop learning, hopefully become better.

Nonetheless, pardon my grammar and do criticise these random thoughts. ;)


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