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Get the best of your Umrah

I just got back from my 2015 Umrah trip and feel the urge to write what I have taken from it. My first Umrah was in 2007. My father had planned to take his three children to Al Haramain, the two holy cities for Muslims in Mecca and Medina. I was in my 3rd year in university, and my two brother and sister were unable to join me and my parents. So the three of us were going to Al Haramain. I wasn’t a knowledgeable Muslim back then nor now, I just want to fulfill my wish to visit Mecca for my first flight experience. I knew only basic things like shalat, fasting, and awful ability to read Qur’an properly. During my first trip, I just followed my parents.

It was different experience in 2015. After 8 years, I came back to Mecca and Medina. I was with my sister and my father. A lot of things had changed, but most importantly maybe my heart and perspective had changed too. There are few tips and tricks that I have observed to get the most of my Umrah experience. It might be beneficial for you too.

1.      Prepare your body and soul. A week before our departure, we set a schedule for 30 minutes walking around the neighbourhood after Shubuh prayer. Remember to say “'Labbaika allahumma labbaik, Laa syariika laka labbaik. Innalhamda wan-ni'mata laka wal mulk, laa syariikalak” after each prayer. Get your body and soul ready for the journey. It is a call from Ibrahim and Muhammad to visit Al Haramain, answer their call.

2.      Patience. Al Haramain is a place where Muslims from around the globe meet. They bring hope and also their culture along. They have been struggling to get there, just like us. Embrace the differences, accept it. They have stories, they have waited a long time to get there, just like us. Be patience with them, with yourself as well.

3.      Eat responsibly. I stayed in a hotel which provided a very yummy foods. Restrain your temptation, eat responsibly. Take only what you need, don’t eat too much. Train your gratitude to be able to enjoy the food. I met some people who could not enjoy any food that were provided by the hotel, I feel sad for them. Eat what is given and say Alhamdulillaah.

4.      Make priorities. We left our families, job, and submit our time to this journey. Don’t get it wasted. Identify which places and activities that bring us closer and deeper relationship with God. Study the struggle of Muhammad and his companions, be familiar with their stories. In Madinah, priorities are I’tikaf in Masjid Nabawi and Raudhah (between Muhammad tombs and his Mihrab). In Makkah, priorities are Thawaf around Ka’bah, shalat and I’tikaf, and Sa’I between Shafa and Marwah hills. Be familiar with the beautiful story of Ibrahim AS family. The ritual is deeply related to their story.

5.      Bring snacks (dates) to be shared. Some people live in the Masjid, especially in Masjidil Haram. Most people stays for more than 2 hours without food, we enjoy Zamzam water very much. But it is also rewarding to offer them for snacks like dates, biscuits, or anything that is not too big and easily shared. Give them after shalat, and be prepared for hugs and kisses from them J

6.      Be cooperative. These places are indeed very crowded, in some places like Raudhah and Hijr Ismail, we will be forced to “fight” to get a space for prayer. No matter how hard the situation is, be very kind, be cooperative. Remember that when we give people at ease, Allah will ease us. Give space to other, especially for those who are older, believe God you will get your space as well. In Raudhah we need to cooperate with anyone. Most of the times, I got a space when I cooperated with any stranger that was standing beside me. Hold their hand and asked “do you want to pray?”. Guard them while performing shalat, and they will guard you as well. Or ask 2 people on your right and left to make a prayer row. Islam is a religion that values community. Cooperate and make other people at ease.

7.      For whatever reason, do not hurt others. You might be hurt. My father got inflammation on his chest during queue. Your feet might be hurt, your sandals might be lost, and some people might be rude to you. Those are indeed a test, you will survive with patience. Remember that rude people usually got hurt first. For whatever reason, we are all in Al Haramain to get closer to God the Merciful, give mercy to others.

8.      Get connected to other Muslims. Mostly, pilgrims from Indonesia are coming with a large group. Form a small group who are willing to do some adventure and try new things. Greet other Muslims on your prayer row. You will meet people who looks sad, hopeful, happy, and all different emotions. Get connected with them. Be genuine. Genuine smile, greet, and thank you.

9.      Disconnect from internet. I got 1-2 hours connection to wifi internet while in Madinah. I felt guilty that I still get distracted on things that I should left behind. On my last day in Madinah, I turn it off. I used my phone only to coordinate with my father and sister and took few photos. In Makkah, I even did not read my sister SMS. I completely forgot that I had phone in my bag. It was indeed satisfying. Focus. That is all we need

Lastly, arrive early at least half an hour before adhan. In Makkah, half an hour before adhan means all the main doors to Masjidil Haram are closed. Fewer access are still open, such as elevator to upper floor near King Fahd gate. By arriving early, you will have the chance to pray comfortably. In women section, mostly they take so much space than its needed to do prayer. Use your eagle eye to find the blank spots, they will not reluctant to share, all we have to do is ask. 

I share these not because I feel better than you in performing Umrah. I just feel better than my first Umrah. Umrah or Hajj is not about how much money you have, many people do this trip without money. Set your target first, believe that you will get there. By any means, our rizq is in Allah's hand. God will empower you. 

Arafah. Hope to be back in Hajj season for Wuquf


linuxgembel said…
Welcome back bu haji!
atiek said…
ahlan biik yaa kiki! hahahah

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