It's been two years, living a life as a development worker. With temporary type of job, some may say I am one of the amateur people who live in an idealist world. No permanent job with less benefit. Well, that is a "pain" that probably I'd like to get along with or probably it is not a pain.
Started with the expectation to change the world, afterall, we are too small to do it alone. I learn to compromise and to be more realistic.
Development sector is indifferent with ,probably, business-like circumstances. There are tight targets, unquestionable tight budget, demanding colleagues, competition. Oh and also, the big lion : politics. To measure performance, all dreams should be pulled into pragmatic measures, which is fine. I am not a big fan of competition, but I am a loyal supporter of collaboration.
When it comes to "good" deeds, the idea of helping other people, et cetera. Expectations become higher yet scattered. Everyone has their own idea about a better world.
In business environment, players are all in the same quest to the most valuable treasures, at the very least is money. In development sector, players are often spend so much time defining the treasure. That's kinda hard to swallow. And since everyone is into a good thing, I think it becomes more painful to neglect ones idea
To conclude, oh I think that would be too soon to jump into any conclusion
Let see how much I can absorb all the valuable things here. Future target is set, to optimize the untapped potential of Zakat.