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5 times

As usual, traveled from east to central Jakarta on Sunday morning. These past two weeks, I added one route, to South Jakarta to learn and expand perspectives. Here I write my souvenir from this changing habit.

Two meetings that I'd attended examined the same topic: How Moslems welcome problems
Problems are inevitable, we all know that. What we seek is not the absence of problems, but that in every problem we've been going through, seek for wisdom or lessons. Stated in QS 23:115 

Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned?

Challenges/problems come when we are in a process to grow, just like any other creatures, well in human it is more complex but the logic is still the same. Even when we are born, we went through challenges to come out. Cool baby!

So we sat and listened to him. I don't remember his name but he is a postgraduate from Wali Songo institute. Anyway I think what he said is quite structured and simple on how Moslems welcome problems.
First thing first, Istighfar (seek for absolution) then 

5 times Alhamdulillah (grateful)
1. Alhamdulilllah, that Allah is not giving us harder problem, even if God is beyond able to do so. Seek for lessons to be learnt, seek for wisdom
2. Alhamdulillah, that it is not undermining our aqidah. The worst problem is when the problem takes you further from God.  
3. Alhamdulillah, that these problems will swap away our sins. Be smart in dealing with it
4. Alhamdulillah, that only with problems we grow, upgrade ourselves. As we know, in life we have exam first then we learn, and yes life is not a regular school. Those who are smart will find themselves become better Moslems. 
5.  Alhamdulillah, that these problems will soon become longer rewards in the future. We do believe in afterlife right?

Sometimes we tend to compare our life with others, even compare what good deeds that we've done and correlate it to our problems. Why people that doing so many bad things still live in prosperity, happy, seems like live without problems? 

We shall remember that our good deeds will help us in the future life but it is not a single guarantee. We live seeking for Allah's blessings only. Don't compare your good deeds with others. Just give your best shot (one more time) for God only. 

May we be able to welcome any problem, smile and go through it in a better way, thus we shall be granted by wisdom and blessings. :)


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