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Save enough room

My big brother is one of the most kind and sincere heart men in my life. His heart is bigger than his head sometimes, that is why sometimes I look at him when my head fools me.

Last night we gather, he and his wife will perform Umrah in 9 days. We apologized for what we've done and my big bro kiss my forehead. I realize how my big bro has been very care for me since forever.

They'll leave their kids, 7 yo and 3.5 yo. The little family are amazingly close at each other. They almost never go anywhere being separated. Now, the parents will go abroad, and the little one is the one that we are worry about.

Then we came up with Hajj stories from my sister-in-law mother. She performed hajj with 2 young moms, one left her 3 yo daughter and the other mom left her 2 yo son. They almost never thought about their children during the hajj, when suddenly they missed their toddlers a lot. In Madinah, when they were in Raudhah, a little girl unexpectedly sat close to the young mom (who left her 3 yo daughter). She asked the young mom to open a candy for her meanwhile she refused the help from my sister-in-law mother. The young mom then open the candy and kissed the little girl. After that, the little girl just  left, jump into millions of people who gathered there and they cannot find her since then. They just stared and cannot believe what was just happened. A little girl, almost the same age, the same look, out of nowhere came to the young mom who missed her daughter a lot during the hajj.

The miraculous meeting also happened to the young mom of a little 2 yo son, named Bima. In the middle of millions of people in Raudhah, a little 2 yo boy came to her and give her Al Quran to be recited. Almost the same age, the same look, just liked her Bima. She cried and kissed the boy then he just left her, gone inside those millions of pilgrims.

I have thought about performing Hajj in between 30s-40s , peak age, full strength and more mature. But then come up with the idea of how about the kids who will be left for 40 days. This and that and led to imaginary hurdles and targets. This story proves that all my assumptions are wrong, then again my head fools me.

Believe, a deep believe and surrender. No worries about anything. God knows best, at certain level that there is no option to force logical thinking, at certain level that we just have to save enough room for 'iman'. :)


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