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being 20 something is kinda hard

being 20 something is kinda hard. i've been thinking about it lately, and i still havn't got a clue.
every decision that i make these days, it has a great impact to my future. Deciding where to go, working 9 to 5? make ur own business? volunteering? being an elementary teacher? which one suits me the most?

i won't spend my youth era doing things that i won't enjoy it, and lately i think working 9 to 5 would be boring. Is that true? i don't know..
is working for myself better? i don't know..
how about volunteering, is that could fulfill my passion? still havn't got any clue..
being an elementary school teacher would be very nice.. but i'd prefer having a school, where i could read them stories, and everything.. sadly, it still cost money..
i expect something better than what i've faced these days.. i expect extraordinary options..

uh, i guess am not the only one who facing this multiple choice problem. i bet all of u who read this has experienced this uncertain feeling. i think i need advice...

first thing i should do is gain more informations about the options, shouldn't i?

hmm..unless i lose my passion and dreams, i think i can handle it, but ur advice r still welcome.. :)


Anonymous said…
wanna try to answer one of your question:
"... working 9 to 5 would be boring. Is that true?"

No, it won't be boring at all if you like the job and if the job is chalenging enough for you. So, if you've decided to become a 9to5 worker, make sure that you choose the right company and the right kind-of-job..

Gudlak ya tiek!! Selamat menjadi twenty something (^o^)
atiek said…
thx a lot mbak ekaaa..
ur opinion r really help me to find out what's really goin'on in this age.. huehuehue
diansubrata said…
lakukan yang menurut lo paling penting untuk dilakuin skarang tiek,
and always try to love everything you do.

whatever you going to be, all that i know is that you'll be great as whatever-you-going-to-be.

*yang bkin berat karena status dan kewajiban kita nambah lagi tiek.. heu..
atiek said…
makasih makasih.. harus segera mencari tambatan hati segera..
supaya bisa
"and always try to love everything you do"

Puteri said…
I rather think this way... that we actually have to decide first the future, what kind of future you want to have? When I talk about the future, I refer not to the job itself, but what kind of life you want to have, what kind of house, what kind of car, where do you want to go for a vacation, those kinds of things. I'd say you build the whole package of your dream first, not only your dream job. Why? Because I think what makes us happy is not the job, although I admit that the job will cost 8 hours of your day, and is one of the ways to find the happiness. What actually makes you happy would be the satisfaction, and the job is not the only achievement in the world that can satisfy you, unless you are a workaholic.

After you have the whole deal of your dream, keep that in mind. Then , consider the best option you have that will bring you closer to the dream, not options you want to have, or you think that you have. Start as soon as possible, as soon as you're ready. I'd say as a starter, take any opportunity you have, and take the biggest one, cause in the future when you have the biggest one in your hand and you are bored, you can easily change to the next best thing. Do not limit yourself and be ambitious, think about others after thinking about yourself, cause you can give after you have everything.

By setting the goal first, I think it all will be easier, somehow. Just like a running tournament, you know there is a finish line that you really want to pass, you know that you have to run anyway, although it is indeed true that you might need some special tactics to beat your rivals, believe me that you already learn enough about running so that you know when to slow down and when to sprint so you don't really have to be so nervous about it, it all leaves one thing behind, to actually run and start the running competition. It does not matter which tactic brings you to the finish line, the finish line would be still sweet after all.

hope this quick note helps :)
although I can't prove that it will be the wisest piece of advice. But good luck anyway! (Hope this doesn't come late for you, since I don't know if you have graduated and found your dream job)

atiek said…
i've just read your comment. I do agree with you, can't agree more!

Thank you thank you. HUGE thank you because your advice is still relevant for me now.

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