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Showing posts from August, 2016

Wisdom of nature

Life is not meant to be seen only from one side, it is resembled in our earth form, that is round and floating Life is meant to be on the move, no matter how slow it is To see that it has its continuum of time That the state of life is temporary As the earth rotates dilligently The darkness is certain, so as the light Difficulties will soon fade, just like happiness Life is meant to be a journey As our earth travels in tranquility It does not move in random, it surely has its own path Its orbit.. To travel cautiously, not to collide with other planets and space objects The earth knows exactly its mission to bring various seasons for human by dilligently rotates and orbitting to send warning about darkness that comes in our way to give hope at dawn to remind people aboutl illussions in our eyes The philosophy of nature is only can be seen when we pause escape to make space in our life and reflect in iteration The image become words the events become senten...