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Showing posts from August, 2011


segala sesuatu diciptakan berpasangan dan dipergilirkan antar keduanya. susah senang muda tua sakit sehat siang malam sabar dan syukur diberi kesenangan bersyukur, diberi tantangan bersabar. jika benar ikhlas, kebahagiaan dan kesulitan sudah melebur dan menjadi netral. toh tujuannya satu, membuat kita kembali fitrah. fitrah sebagai manusia yang tidak punya kuasa dan lemah. Ah semua ini kan sudah sempurna hitungannya, tinggal bersiap mengikuti pergilirannya.. ;) Sepuluh hari terakhir Ramadhan ini, masih Dia beri kami kesempatan untuk dekat denganNya lewat sabar dan syukur yang datang silih berganti.. Pasti lebih kuat dari Syawal tahun lalu :) Tomang, 25 Ramadhan 1432H

Why shaum?

This is what i've got from @QueenRania twitter account (queen of Jordania) a link to viral video from @UNICEF about severe famine and worst drought that have been happening in Africa, especially Kenya and Somalia. I know here in Indonesia we still have millions of people in hunger too. But just spent couple of minutes to watch this video. I shed a tears in a second, I should repeat 'Alhamdulillah' trillions times if I compare them to my life now. Compare to our condition now, able to live without hunger, desperation, fatigue, and frustration. This is why shaum is mandatory for us, Moslems, to feel hunger, to have a deep understanding about others who've been living in hunger. Can you imagine, you are so hungry while there are weapons watching you from all over the corners because of an endless civil war, streets cover with dust, and to live without water? For me that is beyond my definition of suffering. We just have to experience hunger, not civil war or worst drough...